The Alien Midwife & her Angry Little Brown Bear have safely landed in Malaysia! The total travel time was 21 hours, including the 30min lay over in Hong Kong. (This was due to some strange technical issues at SFO that had us sitting on the tarmac for over an hour)
I haven't quite figured out the whole flux capacitor aspect of this journey. What I do know is that when I left Northern California a sister was in labor in the library with the urge to push, and I thought I was going to have to catch her baby with cleaning supply gloves? (Note to self, you're a midwife, so carry some midwife stuff in your car!) EMS arrived, I left her with good birthing baby wishes and dashed to the San Francisco International Airport.
That was Friday at Midnight, and yet I am sitting in my friend's (soon to be birthing momma) lovely, spacious apartment in downtown Kuala Lumpur and it's Saturday 2pm. I'm not complaining though, Angry Little Brown Bear (who from here on out will simply be A.L.B.B.) only had two major meltdowns in-flight (For one moment I thought "They just may lynch me midair over Taipei") and I'm not jet-lagged....yet.
As for the one and only bag I checked, seems in my 30 minute lay over in Hong Kong the luggage handlers could not get my bag, THE bag the 40 feet to my connecting flight. Oh well, if my dear friend here goes into labor, we'll just kick it ye olde style. I'm sure she'd love that.
There are no photos yet, the camera and doo hicky that makes it so I can download pictures from my cell phone are all in THE bag. Just believe me when I say, "It's Flippin' Awesome".

In the taxi en-route to the apartment In the taxi, 20+ hours of travel is not glam