Pascual Cuauhtemoc (pr: gwow-teh-mock, Mayan, soaring eagle)
3-01-09 3:04pm 7lbs 15oz 19.5in and born just 25hrs after I arrived in KL Malaysia!
You maybe asking yourself, "Now why did it take this heffa so long to get his picture up?" Well, its because last night was the first time I held him for longer than 10 or 15min. His poppa loves to steal him from me! (This man LOVES his babies, almost like I've never seen before) He was bare chested holding him skin to skin just a few minutes after he caught him. (I simply unraveled his very tight cord from around his neck- other than that his poppa caught.) I ended up having this delicious babe to myself for over 2hrs while he was WIDE awake and his parents and brother got some much needed rest. I'm jumping ahead so let me start with the lightning....
Yesterday (Monday), there was lightning and rain during the day, which is actually strange here this time of season. It was a holiday of some sort so everything was closed, the kids and I played under the covered complexes jungle gym. We bought some more fantastic produce from the truck that comes by 2x a week. I took the boys to the pool during a break in the storm and the sun came out full force for a whopping hour. ( I am coming back to Cali TAN I tell you!!) Once in the house and settling in for the night the lightning, thunder and rain was shaking everything.
We were all bored and I wanted to do something exotic for dinner and the poppa (my friends hubby, who is Mexican/Mayan) and I had been kicking around the idea of empanadas. Well hells bells, why not learn how to make empanadas in Melaysia- stranger things have been done! She's a vegetarian (no meats whatsoever), so I made a sauteed zucchini, onion, potato & cheese filling! We had extra pastry dough so I sliced up some apples, tossed them in lemon, cinnamon & allspice with a little raw sugar and made some sweet.
FYI- the crust recipe is so friggin easy and GOOD I memorized it, with my "momma brain" it must be a big deal if I put it to memory.
Roll out our circle in plastic wrap, fill and then fold over with the plastic wrap! No Mess!
On the pan into the oven, there are no after pics cause they were inhaled with fresh guacamole, spring greens, green chile salsa.
Yesterday (Monday), there was lightning and rain during the day, which is actually strange here this time of season. It was a holiday of some sort so everything was closed, the kids and I played under the covered complexes jungle gym. We bought some more fantastic produce from the truck that comes by 2x a week. I took the boys to the pool during a break in the storm and the sun came out full force for a whopping hour. ( I am coming back to Cali TAN I tell you!!) Once in the house and settling in for the night the lightning, thunder and rain was shaking everything.
We were all bored and I wanted to do something exotic for dinner and the poppa (my friends hubby, who is Mexican/Mayan) and I had been kicking around the idea of empanadas. Well hells bells, why not learn how to make empanadas in Melaysia- stranger things have been done! She's a vegetarian (no meats whatsoever), so I made a sauteed zucchini, onion, potato & cheese filling! We had extra pastry dough so I sliced up some apples, tossed them in lemon, cinnamon & allspice with a little raw sugar and made some sweet.
FYI- the crust recipe is so friggin easy and GOOD I memorized it, with my "momma brain" it must be a big deal if I put it to memory.
Sooo after everyone was good and full and smiling, my friend (the momma), fell really ill. She was having some abdominal pains that almost had her in tears....it wasn't my cooking, oh I triple checked. She said that she has a pre-existing condition and it just flares up randomly but this was the worst it had ever been. She just needed a little alone time in bed, and after a heating pad, some Rescue Remedy (a homeopathic) and some TLC the rest of us retreated to the living room.
We watch a cartoon dvd of Star Wars - Clone Wars?? Anywhoo, after everyone finally went to bed (even A.L.B.B) the babe Pascual decided he was NOT tired. So to give this parents a break I offered to hang out with him.
We bounced on the exercises ball, we walked, we read OK! magazine, and then as a last and final coup d'état? I introduced him to a 5 ft 10in tall voluptuous, long legged chocolate, big forehead having...Tyra Banks. (America's Next Top Model) well he liked her. Like most young men she managed to keep his attention longer than anything else I had been doing except for bouncing on that silly ball. (At 11pm at night who cares?) As soon as the show was over, he was sleep, his momma wanted him and I was ready for bed. Too bad the crazy thunder and lighting kept me up for another hour and a half. But hey, I learned how to make empanandas....I hope ya'll are hungry cause we I get back we're going to have an empanada making party! (Somebody get working on my margarita now)
We watch a cartoon dvd of Star Wars - Clone Wars?? Anywhoo, after everyone finally went to bed (even A.L.B.B) the babe Pascual decided he was NOT tired. So to give this parents a break I offered to hang out with him.
We bounced on the exercises ball, we walked, we read OK! magazine, and then as a last and final coup d'état? I introduced him to a 5 ft 10in tall voluptuous, long legged chocolate, big forehead having...Tyra Banks. (America's Next Top Model) well he liked her. Like most young men she managed to keep his attention longer than anything else I had been doing except for bouncing on that silly ball. (At 11pm at night who cares?) As soon as the show was over, he was sleep, his momma wanted him and I was ready for bed. Too bad the crazy thunder and lighting kept me up for another hour and a half. But hey, I learned how to make empanandas....I hope ya'll are hungry cause we I get back we're going to have an empanada making party! (Somebody get working on my margarita now)
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