Sunday, March 1, 2009

I Slept, Woke Up / She Labored, She Had A Baby!

Well, I had a lovely first day in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. I managed a good 10 hours of sleep, and to my surprise found my friend having contractions!

Her contractions started at 6:30am, I woke up at 8am, the kids went to go play with the downstairs neighbor around noon. Not long after, laboring courageously through back labor, she and her hubby had a gorgeous baby boy at 3:10pm. He was born in water in the standard homebirth family kiddie pool.

I wanted to take pictures during labor, her son Miles running around with A.L.B.B. while she moaned and walked around. I wanted to capture her tenacity as she cursed through THE worst pain in labor. ( I had back labor with Zahn and it sucked) My camera, which arrived the night before at 9pm with THE bag, was dead- dead batteries!

I will upload the families approved photos soon! They are in bed now, enjoying that new baby smell and just resting from the oober productive day.

I give thanks for being able to do this matter what nation, country, or island!


  1. Hurray for the beautiful baby boy!!! Well, since you got there just in time... It looks like you will get a little vacationing in before returning home. Let us know... But I'm gonna be calling Sol 'Obama Gossett' since he's become a regular globe trotter to the far east! Love you, Jan

  2. hey rasha!
    so glad so hear you guys landed safe and sound and even did a birth ALREADY!!! can't wait to see the pictures. hope you are having an amazing time, i'm completely jealous. love and miss you guys!

  3. Hmmmm Okay so I am having a hard time trying to post... So lets hope this makes it.. So that is fantastic that she had the baby I thought she wasnt due for another week, but that gives you more time to see the country. ( hey is it a country???) Okay anyway ALBB looks like he enjoyed that flight and movie. I am happy that yall made it safe and that things are going well. When you go into town see if they have any Fake Louies hahahahah I am always retarded in case you are wondering. I am still not rocking an weaves!!! hahah Natural hair for me ( I have no $$$ real reason) hahah Well Sha' Sha' I will hit you up later! Miss ya
